Fornamagic provides Consulting Engineering Services and in-house costumized structural software tool “SectionAnalyzer” for quick Structural analysis/drawing/documentation . Our competencies :
- Engineering Management
- Lead Structural Management
- Detail design
- Procurement/transport/installation
- Deviation/Change control handling
- Bid evaluation/ negotiation
- Lead Structural Management
- Structural analysis
- Steel/Concrete/wooden structures
- Offshore structures
- Foundation and geotechnics
- FEA,FEM,Static, Fatigue, elastic, plastic and non-linear modes
- IT optimalization
- Searchable Drawing database archives
- Searchable document lookup
- Automatic Validation using SQL and scripting methods
- Document Control
- DB archive handling
- Automatic validation of digitalized archives
- Software driven cross check of data, b.e. materialsheets against welding reports etc.
- Design and drafting
- 2D and 3D modelling
- BIM modelling
- AutoCad, Microstation, ProEngineer
- Field inspection
- Site supervision, welding, surface protection a.o.
- Quality Control
- Health and Safety control
Fornamagic was founded by Msc. Andreas Sørensen in 2000 in Denmark while working in the Danish oil sector, hereafter the opportunities arrived in Norway and international and the company moved to Stavanger in 2006 and since to Gamvik 2010 -.
A brief listing of Fornamagic project involvements by Andreas Sørensen
2015 – 2019 Equinor (Statoil)

Structural Discipline Lead P1 Johan Sverdrup Field Norway, Oslo, Norway
Structural Discipline Lead Engineer responsible for EP Structural Discipline activities on Johan Sverdrup phase 1 (Process Module P1, Bridges and Flares phase 1).
His main responsibilities were:
· To secure that EPma contractor met all technical requirement against Company, 3’th part verifier and PTIL from design phase to in-place condition.
· Interface coordinator for Bridges and Flares to the Johan Sverdrup Field phase 1, involving interface meetings with Equinor, Aibel, Akersolution, (T&I) Herema and Fabricator Worley Parsons.
· Structural Discipline lead for structural EP P1 Topside. Involving design in Oslo and fabrication phase at Samsung yard in Busan and follow on phase.
· Review, Witness and follow up activities regarding structural and T&I activities to site.
· Processing of SQ, TQ and EM activities on daily basis in detail and follow on phases.
· During Follow on phases multidiscipline activities occurred involving surface and passive fire protection.
· Participating in weekly structural meetings with contractor EPma and hook-up team
· Document review responsible of structural discipline documentation.
2012 – 2015 Talisman Energy, Norway/Stavanger

Specialist Structural engineer
Responsible for Structural Discipline activities for YME Future facilities and New Caisson Support project. Mainly with focus on YME assurance of existing subsea structures and conceptual studies including feed design for new Yme permanent caisson support structures.
His responsibilities
· Feed study of Permanent Caisson Support.
· Functional requirement for Caisson Connection Arms for the Yme feed study of the new Permanent Caisson Support including ITT package for EPC and T&I.
· Prequalification/ bid evaluation/clarification meetings with bidders for Permanent caisson support.
· Technology qualification requirement of Caisson Connection Arms according to DNV rpc.
· Structural Discipline site rep. against Heerema Fabrication Group for the Yme Feed for the New Permanent Caisson Support System doing Feed jacket design and CCA design.
· Structural Discipline site rep. against Deep Ocean, Bergen Group, Akersolution and Westcon task activities during YME Future Facilities developments.
· Verification reporting of existing Tank and Caisson structures after detailed studies prepared by Akersolution/Westcon.
· Development of assurance task database for existing Yme Tank and Caisson structures regarding material and welding.
· Structural site rep on Yme assurance task for existing subsea structures including Tank and Caisson data mapping project in Szezecin at Westcon site.
· Structural site rep against Aibel (Asker) on Yme Future concept study of new process module and connection system to existing caisson using a CJ70 rig.
· Structural site rep against Aker MH on Yme Future concept study for new drill package.
· Identification of Yme structure FLS critical point after reviewing survey results against AsBuilt documentation as part of the appraisal of YME substructures and future inspection regime requirements.
· Review role of all structural related reporting from vendors for the Yme Future facilities projects and the Feed for the New Permanent Caisson Project
Software skills used in this job
· New developed PIMS database for Yme Subsea Structure assurance.
· Windows Office package
· StaadPro
· MathCad
· SectionAnalyzer
· Sacs
· Assai database
· Tips tag database
· 3D review in PDMS & Navis Works
· Analysis review of Sesam Genie model results Client Talisman Energy
2012 – 2012 Aker MH, Norway/Kristiansand

Specialist Structural engineer
Responsible for CAT D semi-sub derrick support structure and raiser tension support system.
In this job Andreas had structural responsibility for making FEM analysis, structural report and detail design of main steel structures for the drill deck, pipe deck, rotary table, raiser tension support and derrick support system.
His responsibilities were:
· Detail design and calculation of drill deck, pipe deck and support structures against SLS, ULS, FLS and ALS conditions.
· Detail design and calculation of derrick support system.
· Detail design and calculation of raiser tension support system.
Software skills used in this job:
· PDMS for 3D reviews
· Staad Pro for structural analysis
· MathCad for handcalcs sheets
· Sesam Genie for Shell element Analysis
Client Aker MH / DSME/ Songa /Statoil
2011 – 2012 Fabricom A/S, Norway/Stavanger

Specialist Structural engineer
Responsible for structural calss and detail design of new Helihangar Topside structures for Statfjord B.
In this job Andreas had structural responsibility for making FEM analysis, structural report and detail design of steel and aluminium structures for new hellideck + hellihangar for Statfjord B
His responsibilities:
· Detail design and calculation of starter steel for New helihangar
· Detail design and calculation of aluminium structures for New helihangar.
· Detail design and calculation of hydraulic door supports.
Software skills used in this job:
· PDS for 3D reviewing
· Staad Pro for structural analysis
· MathCad for Aluminium calc sheets
· Sesam for Global Analysis
Client Fabricom / Statoil
2009 – 2010 AGIP Eni (Brunel), Norway/Stavanger

Senior Structural Engineer
Responsible for hook up activities of modules and piperack structures in the Kashagan development project.
In this job Andreas had structural responsibility as the client to review and manage hookup activities made by the contractor Akersolution for structural and civil disciplines, review and validate procurement activities, review and validate punch list activities, review and validate COW work activities according to cost, time and resources in close dialog with his Italian partners in AGIP.
His responsibilities
· Manage and process technical clarifications
· Review jobcard production (+7 mill manhour job)
· Review procurement processing’s.
· Review timesheets and personnel performance
· Review technical documentation for structural and civil disciplines including surface protection and passive fire protection.
· Discipline meetings with contractor
· Interdisciplinary meetings with hookup teams from Kazakhstan , Stavanger and offshore.
· Progress reporting to Agipkco management teams in Stavanger and Atyrau.
Software skills used in this job
· IMIS, a database oriented archive system of all Company documents.
· SAP for time scheduling and time registration.
· PDS for 3D reviewing
· Staad Pro for structural analysis reviews
Client AgipKCO
2006 – 2009 Fabricom A/S, Norway
Senior Structural Engineer
Key role structural engineer in the Greenfield and Brownfield scope of structural discipline for Valhall Redevelopment Project (BP) on the wellhead platform.
In this brownfield job Andreas had structural responsibility for the integration of 3 new bridges, 2 support towers and 13 support points onto the wellhead platform among others.
Listed calculations/ documents made are:
· Inplace analysis of structures.
· Blast analysis on specified structures.
· Lifting analysis (Sealift, platform lift)
· Sea transportation on barge and SSCV Saipem 7000.
· Reinforcement analysis of existing structures.
· Bolted connections at main support points.
· 3’th part documents for verification.
Software skills used in this job:
· Retrieval of existing data (drawings/reports) using database system Workmate that uses SQL like syntax.
· Retrieval and management of documents using ProArc.
· Structural analysis using FE-system Staad-Pro, local checks using Excel, Mathcad and SectionAnalyzer.
· 3D survey scanning software for quick reviews of existing structures.
· Drafting knowledge’s using Acad, Microstation and PDMS in the project.
Client Fabricom/Mustang/Woodgroup/BP
2007 Client Hydramarine/DeepOcean/Statoil
Senior Structural Engineer
Follow up work on MHS (module handling system) for sub-sea ship. Structural documentation.
2007 Client Fabricom/woodgroup/BP, Norway
Senior Structural engineer
Valhall VRD, design and calculation new Topside structures s onto wellhead platform.Includes bridges, modules and towers and brownfield work.
2005 – 2006 Hydramarine A/S, Norway
Senior Structural engineer
2006 Client Fabricom/woodgroup/BP
Senior Structural engineer, Norway
Valhall VRD, design and calculation new bridges onto wellhead platform.Includes brownfield work.
2006 Client Hydramarine/Deep Ocean/Statoil, Norway
Development, design and calculation of ROV cursor system. Includes working ROV and observer ROV.
2006 Client Hydramarine/Deep Ocean/Statoil, Norway
Development, design and calculation of 30 T / 60 pallet for MHS system.
2005 Client Hydramarine/Deep Ocean/Statoil, Norway
Development, design and calculation of 240 T pendulum crane beam.
2005 Client Hydramarine/Deep Ocean/Statoil, Norway
Development, design and calculation of 60 T module handling system for ROV ship with moonpool.
2004 – 2005 Client Fornamagic, Denmark
Development of web enabled structural engineering tools for design, dimensioning of offshore- and industry structures.
2001 – 2003 Client DONG/Rambøll, Denmark
177577H Project Manager during summer vacation for Rambøll
2003 Client DONG/Rambøll, Denmark
177577G Nini Cecilie Tie-in. New Compressor Deck for Siri
2002 Rambøll
2002 Client DONG, Denmark
177577E Nini Cecilie Tie-in. New Compressor Deck for Siri and tie-in support detail design.
2002 Client DONG, Denmark
177577A Nini Cecilie Tie-in. New Compressor Deck for Siri and tie-in support detail design.
2002 Client MAERSK O&G, Denmark
162626 T.E.S.R Tyra East Safety Review
2002 Client MAERSK O&G. Denmark
162625 Gorm C, Explosion wall for module 6
2002 Client Amerada HESS, Denmark
162614 South Arne, Sound baffle for Foghorn
2002 Client MAERSK O&G, Denmark
Gorm bridges, feasibility study
2000 – 2002 Fornamagic, Denmark
2002 Udvikling af web baseret CAE program til Beregning / documentation /
2001 Udvikling af web baseret FE-program til brug over internettet med distribueret
1999 – 2000 ISC (International Steel Consultans), Denmark
2000 Client; FLS-Miljø, England
Ø00177 West Burton Power Station Absorber
1999 Client: Billund Lufthavn, Denmark
97150Å, FEM-beregning af lodrette støbeskel.
1999 Client: Billund Lufthavn, Denmark
97150X, Politistation
1999 Client: Billund Lufthavn, Denmark
97150A, Billund Lufthavm Terminalbygning
1995 – 1999 Rambøll (Rambøll, Hannemann & Højlund A/S), Denmark
1998 Client: Fyns Amt, Denmark
981356, MEP-feltarbejde i Nyborg (Måleleder)
1998 Client: Dangas/DONG, Denmark
981206, Tilsyn på ilandføring af gasledning ved Nybro
1998 Client: Forum Vandværk, Denmark
988202, Betonproj. af vandtank til Forum Vandværk.
1997 Client: Statoil’s Raffinaderi, Kalundborg, Denmark
978370, Projektering af Substation 7&S
1997 Client: PFA-pension, Denmark
968108, Projektering af nyt Rambølldomicil i Esbjerg
1996 Client: Nordisk Film, Denmark
968115 Projektering af biografer til Biocity Esbjerg
1996 Client: Esbjerg Kommune, Det Sociale Udvalg, Denmark
968114a Projektering af byg.konstruktioner til 33 ældreboliger
1996 Client: I/S Vestkraft, Denmark
958126c Projektering af mur/beton konst. Til blok 1
1996 Client: Hans Spedsbjerg, Denmark
968105 Bæreevnetabeller for tegloverliggere (Måde teglværk)
1995 Client: I/S Vestkraft. Denmark
958126b Projektering af betonkons. til 5 etagers kontorbyg. \l